Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sri Lanka set for constitution vote - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Sri Lanka set for constitution vote - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

a perfect example of the one man thinks he knows the best for the nation. How one man is arrogant enough to think that out of all the people in the world him and him alone has the capability to led the nation in the "postwar" period. And that people have a problem with him seeking a third term not because hes raping democracy before our eyes, or even because hes acting like a pompous ignorant , no people have a problem because of his background...yes everyone is as shallow as you.
All the best Sri Lanka...the war might be over but this non retiring self proclaimed savior of your nation is gonna create a whole new set of problems.
Speak Out for Democracy and the rule of law.

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